Ben Knowles
GnuPG Key
Github: NH2OH | Instagram: @dbk061717



  1. Separating chemical and excluded volume interactions of polyethylene glycols with native proteins: Comparison with PEG effects on DNA helix formation.
    Irina A. Shkel, Ben Knowles, and M. Thomas Record, Jr.
    Biopolymers | Pubmed | PDF
  2. Chemical Interactions of Polyethylene Glycols (PEGs) and Glycerol with Protein Functional Groups: Applications to Effects of PEG and Glycerol on Protein Processes
    DB Knowles, Irina A Shkel, Noel M Phan, Matt Sternke, Emily Lingeman, Xian Cheng, Lixue Cheng, Kevin O'Connor, and M. Thomas Record, Jr.
    Biochemistry | Pubmed | PDF | SI
  3. Separation of preferential interaction and excluded volume effects on DNA duplex and hairpin stability
    D. B. Knowles, Andrew S. LaCroix, Nickolas F. Deines, Irina Shkel, and M. Thomas Record, Jr.
    PNAS | Pubmed | PDF
  4. Characterization of Solanum tuberosum Multicystatin and Its Structural comparison with Other Cystatins
    Mark S. Nissen, G.N. Mohan Kumar, Buhyun Youn, D.Benjamin Knowles, Ka Sum Lam, W. Jordan Ballinger, N. Richard Knowles, and ChulHee Kan
    The Plant Cell | Pubmed | PDF
  5. Crystal structures of NADH:FMN oxidoreductase (EmoB) at different stages of catalysis
    Nissen MS, Youn B, Knowles DB, Ballinger JW, Jun SY, Belchik SM, Xun L, Kang C.
    JBC | Pubmed | PDF

Last updated 02/07/17